Mini Scout

Garden Floral White Swaddle


Brighten up your baby’s nursery with this graceful bouquet


Just as beautiful as a true Magnolia, the round petals and delicate leaves in this pattern surround your little one in floral softness. Sprinkled with clusters of small magnolias and intricate leaves, this spring-filled swaddle inspires your baby while encouraging a peaceful slumber.

    • SOFT LIKE MAMA'S HUG - Wrapped tight in their soft swaddle blanket, your little one feels as safe and cozy as if you were holding them. They’ll sleep tight and wake up well-rested, ready for a full day of playing.
    • FROM SWADDLE TO MULTITASKING BABY BLANKET - Made from 100% cotton muslin, the Magnolia Tree swaddle boasts a moisture-wicking lightweight fabric that makes it a versatile addition to your diaper bag. Whether you’re swaddling your little one or dealing with everyday spills and spit ups, this stunning baby essential makes every little task a tad more enjoyable.

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